Work & Service-Based Learning
Work and Service-Based Learning at TLA provides scholars with the opportunity to translate fundamental knowledge and skills learned within the classroom into a real-world job setting. Scholars explore career pathways, expand their engagement with the community and build soft and technical skills; all while preparing to meet the demands of the 21st Century workplace.
Middle school scholars are required to complete 10 hours of service-learning and an in-house job shadow.
High school scholars are required to complete 30 hours of service-learning, a job shadow in the community during 10th grade and either an Internship or Youth Apprenticeship in 11th and 12th grade.
Program Objectives
Prepare scholars for meaningful employment in a chosen occupational field aligned with the scholar's Individualized Learning Plan (ILP).
Aid in developing awareness of a scholar's individual occupational, personal and educational goals.
Help scholars develop personal and social qualities that will enable them to make positive personal, occupational and educational decisions.
Connect classroom instruction with occupational experiences beyond the traditional classroom.
Assist scholars in developing work habits deemed desirable by future employers.
Develop a network of contacts connected to a scholar's chosen field of interest.
Work-Based Learning
State Work-Based Learning Opportunity
Required (2-4 Credits) Paid
A one or two-year, school-supervised, paid work experience for high school 11th and 12th grade scholars related to their ILP.
Requires completion of 450 hours of work per year.
Must work at one place of employment while earning required hours.
Must earn proficiency on the statewide standard skills checklist.
Combination of related classroom instruction and workplace learning.
Scholar works closely with an on-site mentor.
As a first step, the scholar must complete the application and submit it to the Director of Career Planning and Partnerships.
District Work-Based Learning Opportunity
Required (.5-2 Credits) Unpaid/Paid
An unpaid/paid work-based learning experience for high school 11th and 12th grade scholars related to their ILP.
Requires completion of 90 hours of work per semester or up to 360 hours over four semesters.
Must work at a single job site or up to three different placements in a semester while earning required hours.
Scholar works closely with an on-site mentor.
Required Unpaid
An unpaid work-based learning opportunity for middle and high school scholars to spend time with an employer aligned with their ILP.
Requires completion of an in-house or virtual job shadow during 8th grade and a job shadow in the community during 10th grade.
Learns about the career and observes daily work activities.
Must actively participate in the experience, ask questions, pay close attention to what is said/demonstrated and take notes.
Requires completion of a reflection and sending a thank you note to the employer.
Must adhere to proper behavior guidelines and dress appropriately for the experience.
As a first step, 10th grade scholars must complete the first three pages of the Job Shadow Agreement and submit it to the Director of Career Planning and Partnerships.
Work Permits
Below are the requirements for the employment of minors:
A work permit is required before anyone under the age of 16 is allowed to work in any job with the exception of agriculture or domestic service work.
Employers must have a work permit on file for the minor being employed before they may allow the minor to begin work.
16 and 17year old minors do NOT need to obtain a work permit prior to beginning work.
A work permit is not required to apply for a job. It is required before starting to work. Scholars should apply for a job, interview, and then once the job is offered the parent should apply for a work permit. The employer should provide reimbursement for the cost of the work permit.
Application for work permits has moved online. The Department of Workforce Development's Equal Rights Division (DWD) has developed an online work permit application tool available to the parents of minors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any computer, tablet, smartphone, or similar device. A parent can access the site using these instructions once a scholar has a job offer from an employer. Payment is made directly to the department through the application, using a credit or debit card, or by ACH direct withdrawal. Once the permit application process is complete, the DWD mails a paper copy of the permit directly to the employer.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Benisch, Director of Career Planning and Partnerships, at 608-690-5100.

Work-Based Learning Application
YA Education/Training Agreement
10th Grade Job Shadow Agreement
Service-Learning Verification & Approval Form
Job Opportunities
Service-Based Learning
District Service-Based Learning Opportunity
Required Unpaid
Service Learning
Active, unpaid participation in service to the community.
Requires completion of 10 hours of service-learning during middle school and 30 hours of service-learning during high school.
Choose a community service project (work cannot be paid work or done for family).
Check with Director of Career Planning and Partnerships if there are questions regarding whether a potential project will count.
Complete the Scholar Request section of the Service-Learning Verification & Approval Form.
Obtain parent signature to grant permission to participate in the selected project.
Complete the Service Record summary section as appropriate.
Verify the project by completing the Service Contact section and getting the project supervisor's signature.
Complete the Scholar Summary section of the form.
Submit the completed form to the Director of Career Planning and Partnerships in the same year as the service is completed for approval and documentation of hours.