This month, Dr. Cole has handed over the blog to offer an opportunity to highlight the NJROTC (Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) program and its recent activities.
If you’ve been to TLA, you’ve likely seen a scholar or two passing in the hallways wearing a military cadet uniform or NJROTC shirt. Maybe you’ve been to a local parade or veteran-related event and seen a young color guard or young people in uniform volunteering? If so, you’ve likely run into the TLA NJROTC cadets. Under the leadership of Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) John Spiritosanto, this group of scholars has been very active in the community.

What is NJROTC?
NJRTOC (Navy Jr ROTC) is a program established in 1964 to instill values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment in high school students. The curriculum, which is led by retired Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel, covers topics like citizenship, leadership, maritime heritage, and naval operations and includes classroom instruction as well as activities such as community services, athletics, drill competitions and field trips. The program encourages students to complete their high school education and pursue additional education. TLA’s NJROTC program is the only NJROTC program in the state of Wisconsin.
The USS Beloit
TLA’s NJROTC program had a unique opportunity to develop relationships with the recently commissioned USS Beloit, their Commander and the crew which culminated in the platoon being given the honor of presenting the Colors at the official commissioning ceremony in Milwaukee on November 24, 2024.
LCDR Spiritosanto, who enlisted in the Navy as an air metal smith and ended his 20 years of active-duty service as a military intelligence officer, will tell you the opportunity scholars have had to make a personal connection with the USS Beloit crew, Captain Le Andra Kissinger and other leaders in the Navy has provided incredibly meaningful experiences for the program and individual cadets. “Talking with real sailors, manning real ships, going into harm’s way provides a very different perspective from the one I can give as a retiree,” he says.
From questions like “why did you enlist?” and “what kind of educational opportunities has the military provided you?” to “are you afraid of war?” scholars have gotten real-time insight into the life of a sailor. “It’s down to earth, realistic talk about what it means to be in service,” according to the LCDR, who also says, “It has been incredibly valuable for cadets to make a connection with a female Captain.” Captain Kissinger has shared her story about her path to the military, her husband’s service and how they make military service work for their family, as well as her path and approach to leadership. Other crew members have also been open in sharing the challenges and opportunities they experienced along the way. In the end, “It has been a great example of a diverse pool of role models that are succeeding and achieving in the military,” according to LCDR Spiritosanto.
Following the commissioning ceremony in November, the cadets also received a personal tour of the ship and had the unique opportunity to talk with Navy leadership including Beloit native and the Sponsoring Major General (Ret.) Marcia Anderson and the Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro, likely a once in a lifetime experience for these NJROTC cadets.

Making Service Possible
It’s been a busy fall for the NJROTC program. In addition to the unique opportunities offered by the USS Beloit commissioning, school day learning and after school and weekend community service, skills competitions, and Military Balls are all providing scholars with opportunities to be involved in service to their community, develop leadership skills, and be exposed to new experiences. As LCDR Spiritosanto notes, “the things we do in service are not possible without the support and loving care of our families and friends.” Thank you, to all the family, friends, and organizations who are backing up our NJROTC program, leadership, and scholars.
The Lincoln Academy is a K4-12 independent 2x charter school located in Beloit, Wisconsin.