Meeting scholars
where they are
The Lincoln Academy has designed a unique instructional model that makes sure scholars receive extended literacy and math instruction each day. This allows time for scholars to catch up if they are behind, while at the same time receiving the necessary grade-level content to keep them moving forward.
There is also a unique staffing model at both the K-8 and high school levels to allow for targeted teacher support and intervention for scholars who are struggling. An integrated curriculum that includes reading and writing in social studies, science and individual instruction time ensures that scholars read and write for up to 220 minutes during the school day during core instruction alone.

High school completion
and post high
school success
The seamless K4-12 model gives scholars and families as many as 14 years at The Lincoln Academy to build strong relationships, academic and professional skills and a reliable and persistent commitment to themselves and their community that will support them in becoming successful adults. Scholars learn that they MUST be present, participate to the best of their ability and learn from their mistakes each and every day.
School leadership, staff and parents adopt and enforce policies that ensure daily attendance and create shared accountability for scholar success. The “how” of this matters. We intentionally meet with families, conduct home visits, offer extra time during the summer, review individual scholar data and employ a school counselor whose focus ensures accountability and empathy. Additionally, each teacher has a core group of scholars they mentor over the course of the year.

Scholars who love learning and are academically and professionally curious
The Lincoln Academy is a school that celebrates learning, hard work and achievement for both scholars and staff. Our school strives to be a profoundly joyful experience for scholars, their families and staff because the environment focuses on affirmation and positivity.
Scholars celebrate their school and their commitment to self and others with school assemblies or circles. There are celebrations for academic, professional and social successes for scholars and staff. This culture is set and maintained by our staff, so The Lincoln Academy hires dedicated, mission-aligned teachers to make sure all scholars have access to a unique education experience that prepares them for choice-filled lives.

Elevating career and creating choices
Throughout their time at The Lincoln Academy, the school focuses on giving scholars the skills and experiences they need, based on their unique skills and interests, to be able to access real opportunities and have career choices upon graduation.
As early as K4, scholars think and talk about the kinds of careers that are interesting to them in ways that are developmentally and age appropriate. Scholars use career labs and role-play experiences to engage in hands on learning about skills, hear about the careers available to individuals who train for and master those skills, and identify and map the education and training necessary to secure those careers. Scholars set personal goals that help them articulate how their education choices, achievement and effort will prepare them for the career of their choice. Some graduates may leave TLA with the professional certification or training needed to immediately begin a career in their chosen profession. We want scholars to understand that their success can and should fuel and strengthen their community.

What sets us apart?
Our project-based and experiential learning model makes sure scholars have both fundamental academic skills and a strong understanding of the role education plays in career, economic prosperity and life choices. This expanded focus on career exploration and creating real opportunities and choices for all graduates that match their unique skills and interests as they develop is what sets us apart from more traditional college-for-all charter school models.