Board of Directors
The Lincoln Academy Governance Board Meeting
February 5, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.
The Lincoln Academy Board Room
608 Henry Avenue, Beloit, Wisconsin
The Governance Board of The Lincoln Academy is responsible for establishing the mission, vision and strategic goals of The Lincoln Academy. The Board is responsible for legal, regulatory and contract compliance as well as fiscal oversight. The Board will hire and evaluate the Chief Education Officer and ensure the school is meeting the academic milestones established for The Lincoln Academy scholars.
Governance members will be selected to ensure the Board has the collective skills and diverse perspectives to effectively oversee The Lincoln Academy. Governance members are elected by the Directors seated at the time of election. Members generally serve a term of three years, although initial terms are staggered to establish a rotation of terms.
Officers and Directors
Lisa Furseth, Chair
Dr. Eric Xanthopoulos, Vice-Chair
David McCoy, Treasurer
Diane Hendricks, Secretary
Miguel Guzman
Barbara Hickman
Dr. Roger Kapoor
Elizabeth Munnelly
Darian Snow
Joe Stadelman
Maria Elena White
Meetings are generally held bimonthly or as deemed necessary by the Board Chair and Chief Education Officer. Board meetings will be held at The Lincoln Academy, 608 Henry Ave, Beloit, Wisconsin.
Meetings of the Governance Board are public for the purpose of conducting The Lincoln Academy’s business and are not to be considered a community meeting for public participation. Upon reasonable notice, appropriate accommodations will be provided for people with a disability.
The Governance Board has established two standing committees, a Finance Committee and an Executive Committee. Each committee will meet as needed to efficiently conduct the business of the school.
Parents and members of the community may contact The Lincoln Academy Governance Board by email at Info@TLABoard.org or by calling 608-690-5100.
Requests for public records can be submitted to Info@TLABoard.org, by calling 608-690-5100, or in person at The Lincoln Academy, 608 Henry Ave, Beloit, Wisconsin, 53511.